Why Veteran’s Disability Alliance?

You’ve got an ally.

We’re in the business of providing clarity—whether you use VDA for a nexus letter or medical treatment, we’ve got your “6.” We handle all aspects of your healthcare from prescriptions to refills to nexus opinions and medical consultations. All of this is done with no insurance companies, no third parties and no red tape.

All you need to do is answer our simplified healthcare questionnaires and our team of professionals will get on the job! We charge flat fees.

We will never “send you the bill.”

Get help with VA disability claims, character of discharge cases, DIC cases, service connection claims or increase your rating. We are unique. We provide you with attorneys, doctors and professionals who are committed to helping you and your family. You’re never alone. We’re along with you for the ride. Call, email or chat if you need support (or a pep talk).

We provide fast, affordable, reliable and comprehensive healthcare.

To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors or providers click the button below: